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  • - Radio Shuttle Pallet Racking -
    Home-Products- Warehouse Racking Solutions - Radio Shuttle Pallet Racking -Radio Shuttle Racking Storage System
    Radio Shuttle Racking Storage System
    Radio Shuttle Racking Storage System
  • Radio Shuttle Racking Storage System
  • Radio Shuttle Racking Storage System
  • Radio Shuttle Racking Storage SystemRadio Shuttle Racking Storage System

    Radio Shuttle Racking Storage System

    Radio Shuttles Racking are the innovation for the automatic pallets storage in a drive-in lane shelf

    Radio Shuttle Racking Storage System

    It is a new innovation of semi-automatic warehouse storage system that can Store up to 90% of the space with the operation of a pallet truck (Shuttle Car) that is controlled by remote control to run the product. and off the shelf Fast and high accuracy with position control sensor system.

    radio shuttle racking components

    Brief Introduction

        •  A structure that's rigid and flexible
        •  The structure can be configured for FIFO or FILO Storage
        •  It is designed for durability
        •  Store more pallets, move more pallets. Solve your unique problems. Then change as you change.
        •  The Radioshuttle represents an evolution of design and function that spans two decades
        •  Operate with Confidence


    Features & Advantages
     •  Shuttles are the innovation for the automatic pallets storage in a drive in lane shelf
     •  They are machines able to move automatically within a channel of drive in system 
     •  Guarantee a storage of high density
     •  Easy installation and re-configuration

     •  Low equipment cost

    Tags:    radio shuttle car      AGV Car      rack manufacturers     
    Radio Shuttle Racking Storage System
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